White Quilt ホワイトキルト

Today came to visit me my friend surpassed it cute moments and not end talks of Quilt.
It is unforgettable!!Thank you and see you soon.

中沢フェリーサキルトミシンキルトパッチワークキルトホワイトキルトNakazawa Felisa white Quilt Patchwork Quilt

中沢フェリーサキルトミシンキルトパッチワークキルトホワイトキルトNakazawa Felisa white Quilt Patchwork Quilt

One more Nostalgic(^^♪There are many memories in this white Quilt(^^♪between I and sewing machine.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Happy Quilt Happy day
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